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Flamstead Village School


The school uses a comprehensive list of objectives to plan and deliver lessons emphasising using and applying maths in everyday life. Effective maths lessons are well-paced engaging and active. Teachers monitor and evaluate children’s progress rigorously to ensure each child reaches their individual potential. Problem solving is a vital skill in maths and we like to encourage children to use what we do know to find out what we don’t know.

Our goal is to ensure that every child leaving Flamstead Village School has a solid grounding in maths, as a result mental maths is a high priority in this school and this coupled with modelling and teaching of mathematical language underpins success for all. Children are expected to practise essential maths skills at home e.g. times tables, telling the time, working with money, halving and doubling and number bonds.


'TT Rock Stars’ and 'NumBots' are fun and challenging platforms designed to help children master key number facts and times tables. All children from EYFS to Year 6, have individual login details. Children can play at home, as well as school.

Please see your child's teacher if you need these details to be re-issued. 

To play, visit:

Numbots - EYFS-Y2

TT Rock Stars - Y2-Y6